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Desain Villa Indonesia
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    Jasa Desain,  Rancang Bangun Villa

    Jasa Desain, Rancang Bangun Villa

    Rp. 1.000.000
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    minimalist green. Green' s minimalist rather than simply providing an artificial garden in a house alone. But, more to the buildings that are environmentally friendly. In a sense, to minimize the greenhouse effect, the use of materials that are environmentally friendly such as the use of lightweight steel. Another example, using materials that nature does not destroy the forest, such as wood, metal, and stone.
    TRENDS occupancy trends 2012 still refers to the previous year. Minimalist style dwelling is still the mainstream next year. Additionally, the concept of eco-friendly minimalist concept will accompany them.

    Architect Briyan Talaosa say, architectural style trends for 2012 not much has changed. Judging from the development of existing designs in the field, minimalist trend is still going to have a sales value next year.
    Sale value in the sense, he added, seeing the public interest in choosing a dwelling. Until there is one case, one of the developers who are sufficiently established or established were forced to buy back process, to save profits. The point is the buy-back forces a Mediterranean-style house that still turned out in one cluster does not sell much. By the developer that bought it back and then torn down and built a house with a new model, namely the concept of minimalism.
    The reason they still see the minimalist trend as the trend in the future, said Briyan, if the production cost model with the minimalist style of other buildings more or less the same. But if you say minimalist type of building is easy, it' s wrong because it' s minimalist minimal detail. That is, if we make a box, it means that its shape should really box.

    However, it would be like if the minimalist in 2012? Briyan revealed, minimalist for 2012 will tend toward the minimalist green. Green' s minimalist rather than simply providing an artificial garden in a house alone. But, more to the buildings that are environmentally friendly. In a sense, to minimize the greenhouse effect, the use of materials that are environmentally friendly such as the use of lightweight steel. Another example, using materials that nature does not destroy the forest, such as wood, metal, and stone.
    If necessary, said Briyan, utilization of construction materials that already exist may be better. For example, tree roots made for meja.Saat have had a lot to the discourse down to the supermarket, raising to use materials that are environmentally friendly it is already there. You can discuss with your House Architects.
    So even in terms of design, ranging from the room and form a layer of not sticking to one style. However, more attuned to the needs of the occupants. What is meant not only maximizing minimalist green plants alone, but was more in his understanding. That is, it' s minimalist green to the use of building materials and workmanship that are environmentally friendly buildings.

    Moreover, green building architecture minimalist style could be a culture in the use of everyday home appliances. For example, the efficient use of electricity, water treatment is necessary, the use of more energy-efficient lighting, wattnya small but the ambience was the same with the lights wattnya greater. Minimize the use of the main greenhouse effect on the building.

    If u want Purpose our Service to Design this Concept and Build this Design, just Sign we at, Mr. Arie . Indonesia East Java, Phone Number + 62 85649842128 / email : desainvilla@

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